The Structure of an Essay


An essay is one the most important academic tasks you will face and Instructors at all levels expect you to communicate clearly and effectively. The structure of your essay is as important as its wording and grammar.

Although many think essay writing isn’t a chore that must be completed to graduate school, Many professors have written essays all their lives and encourage students to do so.

Planning ahead is important, so it’s worth taking the time to plan. To ensure that your essay is written correctly, it’s important to understand the structure of essays.

What is an Essay?

An essay is generally a formal argument you present to others through your words. The argument must be supported with logic or evidence, sometimes both. Every essay should have an introduction, body, conclusion. You can also have subtopics or endless points to help you reach your word count and support your point in the body.

The Introduction

Every sentence and paragraph you write is important. But the introduction may be even more crucial. The introduction should be close to perfect to make people want to read what you have written and learn from your research.

This is where you make a great first impression. The instructor will likely begin grading the work as soon as they start reading. It’s important to determine if the material is interesting, dull, strong, weak, effective, or ineffective. They usually reach their conclusion before the intro is finished.

It should tell the reader about the topic and your position on it. It can summarize the main points and give an overview of your argument. It’s also important to clearly show your thinking process and ensure it is coherent and logical.

The Body

A body is a part of your essay that should be at least three paragraphs long. This will be the longest section of the whole piece. Even though short essays may only have three to five paragraphs, a longer essay can be many pages.

Each paragraph should relate to the topic and be a point in your argument. These paragraphs should also have a structure. If you have to write several paragraphs to support a point, you can label them as topics. This requires a signpost sentence. It outlines what you will be discussing in that section or paragraph. The sentences that follow expand on this point and provide examples to support it.

The Conclusion

You should conclude your essay by summarizing everything. A single paragraph can be sufficient, but you might need to write several in a longer discussion.

The purpose of the conclusion is to sum up all the arguments and make the final decision, if applicable. You can sometimes include additional information to enhance the study.

This is not the right time to discuss new ideas on the topic. This is a reminder of the topics you have already covered.

Where do you start?

It’s not enough to know the structure of an essay.  Some people will find this easy, while others may need to draw a plan to keep them on track.

Professors often recommend that you write the body first to help you organize the main ideas. Next, write an introduction that focuses on the points you have already covered.

You can always seek assistance from the if you are having difficulty. Ask questions to get assistance with writing essays. This will help you get better grades and sound great.