Natural Disaster Crisis Communication”
The topic for the paper needs to be “Natural Disaster Crisis Communication
Further develop your Crisis Communication Plan by updating it according to the top Natural hazard facing Bobsville as identified in your Hazard Vulnerability Assessment that you developed in EDMG101.
Your ~1-2 page updates to the Crisis Communication Plan should have:
Pregathered Information regarding your hazard
Key Messages
Social Media
Traditional Media
Possible Trick Questions
Known Local Prodromes
Use the description of Bobsville for existing information, and create any details necessary to create your plan that is not already in the description.
Please see attachments for help with the assignment
Further develop your Crisis Communication Plan by updating it according to the top Natural hazard facing Bobsville as identified in your Hazard Vulnerability Assessment that you developed in EDMG101.
Your ~1-2 page updates to the Crisis Communication Plan should have:
Pregathered Information regarding your hazard
Key Messages
Social Media
Traditional Media
Possible Trick Questions
Known Local Prodromes
Use the description of Bobsville for existing information, and create any details necessary to create your plan that is not already in the description.
Please see attachments for help with the assignment