marginalized special population that exist within your community

You will write a 5-7-page double spaced APA format paper of your analysis of a marginalized special population that exist within your community.  In this paper a community is defined the place where you live, work or where you have familiar ties.  For example, depending on the community you may choose a special population that faces prejudice and discrimination due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, spiritual beliefs, race or ethnicity, disabilities or their perceived social class or socio economic status.
The final research project will consist of 3 distinct parts:

  • An analysis of the community including demographics
  • Cultural and other traits that may impact health services and health access
  • An analysis of the marginalization special population

Once you cover these 3 parts write a thoughtful proposal for what an “ideal system” would look like that would incorporate CLAS, cultural humility and diversity. Please be sure to use outside resources to support your views.

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