Geology Assignment week 6- Please answer all the questions

  1. Slope Stability

Please watch this YouTube presentation and post about one item you didn’t know about, need further help in understanding, or just interest you.

  1. Glaciers

Please watch this YouTube presentation and post about one item you didn’t know about, need further help in understanding, or just interest you.

  1. Glaciation

Please watch this YouTube presentation and post about one item you didn’t know about, need further help in understanding, or just interest you.
4. Eolian Processes
Please watch this YouTube presentation and post about one item you didn’t know about, need further help in understanding, or just interest you.

  1. Tides

Please watch this YouTube presentation and post about one item you didn’t know about, need further help in understanding, or just interest you.
6. Longshore Drift
Please watch this YouTube presentation and post about one item you didn’t know about, need further help in understanding, or just interest you.

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