LC Digital Business:Digital Winners and Losers Part 2: Driving Digital Transformation

Module Learning Outcomes:
Copyright © 2021 Jennie Chan. All rights reserved.

Module Title LC Digital Business
Module Code 08 33967
Assignment Title Part 1: Digital Winners and Losers Part 2: Driving Digital Transformation
Level BSc
Weighting 100% of the total Mark
Lecturer Dr Jennie Chan
Hand Out Date 05/02/2021
Due Date & Time 10/05/2021 12pm
Assignment Format Report
Assignment Length 2000 words, not including the title page, table of contents, list of tables, list of figures, appendices, reference list or abstract. Note that the references in the main body of the text (i.e., in-text citations) are included in the word limit.
There is no 10% leeway for written assignment over 2,000 words. Any written assignment exceeding this length may be penalised by deducting 5 marks for every hundred words in excess of the limit.
Submission Format Online Individual


  1. Digital Winners and Losers (approximately 1000 words)
    1. Identify companies that you think are winning or losing. Just work on either winners or losers. Select ONE company. Explain why it is a winner or loser (data, figures, graphs, or a short background story would help).
    2. Discuss the elements (minimum 3) of how the firm (with examples) generate and/or capture value that is leading them to be recognise as a winner or loser.

Driving Digital Transformation (approximately 1000 words)

    1. First, define Digital Transformation.
    2. Then, describe the challenges and opportunities a company is facing due to digital transformation.
    3. Challenges + opportunities – altogether – minimum 3

Both issues identification and recommendations should be supported with the relevant examples, in-text citation, references, and data.
By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  1. understand how digitalisation and business are related and integrated;
  2. analyse why do firms succeed or fail in digital transformation;
  3. provide a bridge between digitalisation and business through the application of concepts in specific company case studies;
  4. develop personal skill in analysing and evaluating business, corporate and strategies in complex cases.

Feedback to Students:
Both Summative and Formative feedback is given to encourage students to reflect on their learning that feed forward into following assessment tasks. The preparation for all assessment tasks will be supported by formative feedback within the tutorials/seminars. Written feedback is provided as appropriate. Please be aware to use the browser and not the Canvas App as you may not be able to view all comments.


It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand correct referencing practices. You are expected to use appropriate references and keep carefully detailed notes of all your information sources, including any material downloaded from the Internet. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are not vulnerable to any alleged breaches of the assessment regulations. More information is available at https://intranet.birmingh
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