Developing multiple literacies in

In this project you will be developing and extending your thinking on an issue, of your choosing, related to developing multiple literacies in education and schooling by drawing on your own experiences, observations, and placement experiences. As you revisit these experiences, exploring them with the theoretical/conceptual tools introduced in workshops, you will have the opportunity to refine your understanding of how language, literacy, and numeracy mediates the world of ‘learning’ but also many other ‘worlds’ for young people both in- and out-of-school.
You should begin by revisiting your previous work in the unit (the first assignment, previous professional experience(s), workshop discussions and activities) and selecting an issue, challenge or experience related to the development of multiple literacies in education you would like to explore and investigate further. You should then investigate your selected issue with additional reading, and by speaking with teachers and other colleagues. Chances are that someone has thought about the problem you have identified and you can learn much from tapping into or reading about their experiences.
In developing your project, you should aim to achieve a critical perspective on your own experiences (as a pre-service teacher and as former secondary-school student, among many other identities and roles) and the challenges of teaching in contemporary classrooms characterised by diversity and change. In doing so, you might like to imagine your own future classroom and students and to explore how you can help them develop sensitivity to the way language, literacy and numeracy mediates their learning and experience of the world.

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